IDT-Kammprofile serrated gaskets are perfectly suited for secure sealing of flange connections in extreme operating conditions. They combine the specific properties of non-metallic gaskets [good elasticity to the flange surface] and metal gaskets [high stability and bursting strength]. The design allows high compression of the non-metallic layer, promoting low diffusion, and ensures that the serrated tips remain covered with non-metallic material, even in high surface pressure applications. In a compressed stage, the coverage of the serrated tip is still at approx. 0,1mm. Flange surface roughnesses of Rz <=80µm are recommended. Kammprofile serrated gaskets are described in DIN EN 1514-6 with regards to base body profiling, thickness and material of the layers. It complies with TA Luft 2002 [VDI 2440/2200]; the calculatory leakage proof for VDI 2290 can also be supplied.